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国画艺术家肖宗林--纽约时代广场Chinese painting artist Xiao Zonglin - Times Square, New York


现为中国楹联学会会员,中国民族建筑研究会书画艺术专业委员会客座教授,中国楹联学会书法艺术研究会副秘书长、特聘专家,中国书画家协会副 主 席,哈佛艺术学院荣誉院士,香港特别行政区文学艺术界联合会美术家协会理事。法中文化艺术交流大使,西班牙皇家艺术家协会会员,中国服务贸易协会国际交流专业委员会副秘书长。2022年荣获“联合国和平艺术金鸽奖”,并被授予“联合国和平文化特使”,获得“世界和平艺术学院”命名。






在众多老师的指点下,肖宗林正埋头乐游于书画天地的自在空间……Xiao Zonglin was born in Qingliu, West Fujian Province in 1953. He is now a member of the Chinese Coulian Society, a visiting professor of the Calligraphy and Painting Art Professional Committee of the Chinese Ethnic Architecture Research Association, Deputy Secretary-General and special expert of the Calligraphy Art Research Association of the Chinese Coulian Society, vice chairman of the Chinese Calligrapher and Painter Association, honorary Academician of Harvard Art School, and a director of the Artists Association of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Federation of Literary and Art Circles. France-china Cultural and artistic exchange ambassador, member of the Royal Association of Spanish Artists, Deputy Secretary General of the International Exchange Professional Committee of China Association of Trade in Services. In 2022, he won the "United Nations Golden Pigeon Award for Peace Art", was awarded the "United Nations Special Envoy for Peace Culture", and was named the "World Academy of Peace Art". Xiao Zonglin loved calligraphy and painting, and read a lot of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign classics. The novel, poetry, prose, reportage and ci, song, character, painting, topic trek slightly deeper. He has published novels, poems, interviews, essays and other articles and works in more than a dozen media such as "Fujian Literature", "Fujian Daily", "World Weekly", Guangdong TV "Phoenix Weekly", Southern TV, China Central Radio and so on. Xiao Zonglin is good at flowers, birds and calligraphy. His works pursue the image of life and integrate nature and life. On the creation of the "six methods" as the theme, and strive to picture beautiful and natural, ethereal and elegant, not falling down the customs, inheritance of the ancients and new ideas. His works are widely collected by famous people in society. Teacher Fan Zeng said: "Xiao Zonglin's paintings win with spirituality. He has the air of a talented man without the state of sourness." Fan Dian teacher also said: "Color is good, the picture has momentum..." . Teacher Wen Huaisha said: "Appreciate Xiao Zonglin's paintings, from the composition can be seen, simple as the style, the picture space is more sparse and empty; Its brush and ink, pay attention to the interest of stone painting, the brush and ink, it is more of a trend of twists and turns, reflecting the bold spirit of the vertical meaning, its brush and ink lines, dry autumn wind, wet with spring rain, wind Gudiba Jun Shuang, rich stone spirit. Each of Mr. Xiao Zonglin's works has its own distinctive artistic characteristics and is also in line with modern people's aesthetic taste." Under the guidance of many teachers, Xiao Zonglin is immersed in the free space of painting and calligraphy world...


























癸卯兔年十月金秋世之微尘题写于六祖故里The moon in water;

The lotus in the water is so beautiful,

It has a crescent moon and a boat.

Netania is too smart,

冃 is a bad way to go.

People say you're a smart guy,

I don't know how stupid I am.

Instead of one Belt, One Road,

Let's play with Biden.

The world and The Times are good,

And you don't know what to do.

Two thousand years ago your kingdom fell,

Forget the past shame and now die.

History tells us that,

There's a teacher in three.

Poor Joe Biden is a Wolf,

And you think he let go.

A thousand years after the death of the people,

Now he's on the edge of the cliff.

Old thief Biden ruined you,

Where do you leap your feet?

Hurry up to the road of peace,

Humanity is safe as one.

The wise are united,

Without losing course everbright.

The micro dust of October golden autumn world written in the six ancestors' hometown










精卫无私填海,适千亿人居,人类快哉!是为颂!癸卯兔年三月世之微尘题写于西江六祖故里东岸And world Jingwei reclamation postscript;

Eighty thousand years ago, Jingwei reported to Pangu, the great god of heaven and earth, and wanted to fill the island to East Law, so that the island was green and shady, convenient for fishermen to rest. Open heaven split earth god Pangu smilingly agreed, and asked to private prescription.

Jingwei threw stones at the sea, set up Korea, Japan, Jiao Island, Taiwan, but also expanded the South China Sea islands and the Philippines... And private is the source of life activities, also poison also;

King Zhou destroyed the kingdom because of private.

Don't you see the first World War, the second World War because of private, killing and destruction.

Can't you see Biden's private life is a day of world domination...

What is a private person who harms others and does not benefit himself? The whole world is a family, are brothers and sisters, the earth is comfortable to live in one hundred billion people, Cola also, what worries!

The Communist Party to the private world, the initiative of the Belt and Road, human integration, is not the people want? The only incongruous privacies of mankind - to carry on the family! Why not?

The world to the heart, the people lucky also!

Jingwei selfless reclamation, suitable for hundreds of billions of human settlements, human fast! It's a tribute! The small dust inscriptions of the world in March of the year of Maxi Rabbit are written on the east coast of the six ancestors' hometown in the Xijiang River

世界锦绣和合图跋:锦绣世界和合美,东方写意西方彩。二种文明合一起,盘古大神也欣慰。人类一体即一家,何分东西南北国?一家共和皆兄弟,修葺地球建设忙。一带一路活络丹,地球家里好旋转。人货两通都便捷,朝发夕至和一堂。人类有缘放眼量,兄弟好见情生长,深情起舞交心意,四海互联永一家。人类也会有茅盾,联合国君心气强。调解诸君关爱事,公平正义一语安。文明礼让和天下,夺冠非止田径场。人人都是建设蕤,人类永续长久安!注:盘古开天劈地大神西方称耶和华。诞于东方昆仑。癸卯兔年六月上旬世之微尘题写于西江六祖故里云浮The World of Beauty and Harmony: The world of beauty and harmony, the East freehand Western color. When the two civilizations came together, the great God Pangu was also pleased. Human unity is one family, how to divide East, West, North and South countries? We're all brothers in one republic, repairing the earth. Belt and Road, the earth home good rotation. Both people and goods are convenient, and the day and night are together. Human beings are destined to look at the volume, brothers good to see love growth, soulful dance to exchange heart, the four seas Internet forever one. The human race will have a shield. The United Nations is strong. Mediation all you care about, fairness and justice a word. Civilized comity and the world, the championship does not stop at the track and field. Everyone is the construction of Rui, human sustainable long-term peace! Note: The great god of Pangu who opened heaven and split the earth is called Jehovah in the West. Born in the Eastern Kunlun. The micro dust inscriptions of the early ten days of June of the year of Mortu in GUI were written in Yunfu, the hometown of the six ancestors of Xijiang

地球瑶;地球万物可生长,大小脑儿无欲象荷花。洁白来去都洁质,盘古爱人更胜花。地上万物皆沾私,人也因爱生情感。除了男女之间那花事,生活所需属公产。常闻柴米油盐茶,未见人人会生产。南非钻石人人爱,从未见人皆有它。钱币活通全世界,不见富人带去玩。生活总就三顿饭,吃得多时病殃殃。人人为我生活事,我为人人勤万般。欲知此理特简单,隨便贯通英雄汉。一带一路明世界,世界困何乱浑想?大小脑儿太狭想,只看当前欠发展。天下人若生智慧,圩场应该多举办。战场因私没前途,人类和安乐一家。汝辈孩儿学雷锋,自小为人必发光。知识越高成头冠,为民公示立天下。思想意识生活事,想想也都很简单。细品细思生活事,世上人人可为冠。癸卯兔年五月世之微尘题写于六祖故里Earth Yao; All things on earth can grow, the size of the brain no desire like lotus. White come and go are clean quality, Pangu lover more than flowers. Everything on earth is personal, and people also have feelings because of love. Except for things between men and women, the necessities of life are public property. Often hear firewood, rice, oil, salt and tea, not see everyone will produce. South African diamonds are loved by everyone, never seen everyone has it. Money is used all over the world, not by rich people. There are always three meals in life, and when you eat long, you get sick. Everyone lives for me, and I do everything for everyone. If you want to know this theory is simple, just go through the hero. Why would the world be confused if we lead the world along the way? The size of the brain is too narrow, only look at the current underdevelopment. If people in the world have wisdom, polders should be held more often. Battlefield because of private no future, human and Anle family. Your children like Lei Feng, since childhood will shine. The higher the knowledge into a crown, for the public to establish the world. Ideological life, think about it is also very simple. Think carefully about life, everyone in the world can be the crown. The small dust inscriptions of the May world in the year of Maxi Rabbit are written in the hometown of the six ancestors


















癸卯兔年世之微尘题写于粤海西江六祖故里And, May Day song;

Belt and Road good,

Man is strong as one,

The earth is beautiful,

Humans are happy.

Today, May Day,

Laughter in the world.

It's a pity to be hungry and bitter,

Humans are sick, too.

Biden bad Earth,

And sad and deplorable.

Every day, like a Wolf, I wear people's clothes.

Korea and Japan smelly sidekick, human also sad. The date of the demise of Korea and Japan has been calculated by Pangu.

Take care of the earth,

The human eye can see.

As a family,

It's not good to fight.

The micro dust inscriptions of the age of moru Rabbit in GUI are written in the hometown of six ancestors of Xijiang River in Guangdong



癸卯兔年四月谷雨天世之微尘题写于六祖故里西江云浮Today's big season, grain rain peony open. All the earth is good, and God rejoices.

One Belt, One Road, one human love.

The micro dust of the grain rain in the world in April of the year Gui-rabbit was written in the Xijiang Yunfu, the hometown of the six ancestors



癸卯年春世之微尘题写于六祖故里Pangu, the great god of the Huaxia Kunlun, was born 188,000 years ago. And the world. And the world, and Yuyu foundation is sincere. Looking at the development of human beings, there are no masters of self-interest. World War I, World War II, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine did not end well. People like Hitler and Hideki Tojo are prisoners of ancient crimes, which are not conducive to mankind. Investigate the reason, private also, no integrity. Although the American people are good, but the government is not sincere, Biden and other promises, forget in the afternoon, is not a joke? Like Biden to lie to the world, five generations! Individuals are the same, teams are like stars, and countries are the same. Honesty, can not play also!

Only the Communist Party works for the people, and the public is also virtuous. Fake goods are now full of flow, sincerity has been lost, dangerous! Stop is beautiful. Look at the world as one, the human family, the Belt and Road, sincere lovely also! Is to praise and the world, sincere world!

Gui-mao spring dust inscriptions written in the six ancestral home
















癸卯兔年三月一世之微尘题写于六祖故里西江云浮,啚草供世人小晒Interact with the world;

In the beautiful world,

The war scorched the people.

Xianguang Qian land people, war destroy peace.

With peace and harmony,

Pangu is really a god.

People learn from Pangu,

He Yue family.

Pangu God and,

The whole place is beautiful.

Brothers and sisters, repair the global village.

Belt and Road good,

People in the village are happy.

The human race becomes one,

Let the earth shine.

The micro dust inscription of the first March of the year of the six ancestors is written in the Xijiang Yunfu, 啚 grass for the world to sun







癸卯兔年龙抬头世之微尘题写于西江六祖故里云浮东岸One hundred thousand years ago, Pangu God was born in Kunlun with great aspirations. Travel all over the Yu Yu advocate and human earth should respond.

World War I World War II human wake up, hundreds of millions of casualties people mourn. To seize resources to occupy territory, Tojo Hideki underground mourning.

The wise man does not yet understand his own health. All the guts help each other, not to mention billions.

When do you argue about it? God laughs at human beings too simple. Wisdom in the landscape, all do human little gardener.

The Belt and Road Golden light Road, human happiness to come. Kill and plunder non-human beings, cattle ghost snake Qu wilderness mourning.

May mankind advocate the Republic and always keep the rich band round. A stitch must cherish, rich diligent and thrifty world.

The micro dust inscription of the dragon raised its head in the year of Gui-rabbit was written on the east bank of Yunfu, the hometown of the six ancestors of Xijiang



一名数 万年神者手捋长须朗声道:世界泾渭分明,资本社会与社会主义。简称姓社姓资。其实各有势长,但资本主义太私,已显败象。不改革就玩完。社会主义以和为本,宇宙不争,天下大安,有全民意识,擎全民大旗,就剩如何组织资源,发挥资源,分配资源·适度调配资源优势°









世之微尘写题供人小晒The Lotus (and) Meitu are appended to the left:

Pangu's Great Shinto... How suitable for human settlements!

A god of tens of thousands of years stroked his long beard and said: The world is clear-cut, capitalist society and socialism. Family name for short. In fact, each has its own strengths and strengths, but capitalism is too private and has shown its failure. Reform or die. Socialism is based on harmony, the universe does not dispute, the world is safe, there is a sense of the whole people, holding the banner of the whole people, how to organize resources, give play to resources, allocate resources, and appropriately deploy resources

The divine philosopher Marx told the great God of Pangu... If the local Communist Party manages the local human resources in the network format, the advantages are appropriate, and the local people have only this method

It's appropriate. The Belt and Road, human integration is not in the present hundred years

Easy big strategy! Pangu's great God knows its meaning and tells: the control of resources must first unify the resources, know the quantity, know the sequence, know the storage, know the rehabilitation, know the recovery.

Resources are worry-free, capital has been developed for a hundred years, and people do not control. Goo! The West is vigilant. Anyway, take care of yourself... Remember that the people are everything and that both lifestyles do not leave the people. The Communist Party dares to take responsibility for the people, which is the best sum orientation of the people...

Suddenly the soldier and Yue said: Small Nezha has explored the outer space.

One can live in one's own place. Pangu's Great Divine Tao: Truth-truth-Truth-Truth-truth.

The sky is wide, and the laughter of the gods is everywhere...

Winter snow day in the year of the tiger

The dust of the world write questions for people small sun